Thursday, March 16, 2017

Yay! We all get to stay in Mannheim!
 To get the news you've been waiting for: I get to stay in Mannheim with Sister López! It's also another 5-week transfer. I'm not too surprised I'm staying and I'm really excited about it. The new transfer has already brought in some funny stories and miracles.

Let's start with the funnies:

It all started with a phone call from a potential investigator asking me out to see the new King Kong movie. When I explained that missionaries don't date he asked me "Darfst du nicht flirten?" (Are you not allowed to flirt?). Needless to say, we passed him over to the elders. Later that day we were waiting for a Bahn and this guy comes up to us and at first, he started talking to me. His name is Wisdom from Nigeria and is very interested in American girls. He took the same Bahn as us and I'd successfully seemed disinterested so he moved on to Sister López. He found out she was from Mexico and said, "Eh you got the right continent at least." We got off the Bahn as quick as possible. THEN! During our finding activity in Worms we were headed back to Worms Hauptbahnhof (train station) and there was a lot of traffic. There were 5 cars in a row full of dudes and they all rolled down their windows and started asking for our number. We gave them the Worms Elder's cards/number. At least one of them has to be interested in the gospel, right?
Sister Kemperman before
she leave for Cameroon for 2 months

Miracle stories:

Last Sunday the Elders had 3 investigators come to church. It was cool because one was found by me, the other by Sister López, and the third by the Elders themselves. They all spoke English though which means all the missionaries are on translation duty. Spaß (fun)!

We had a member appointment on Tuesday and they had invited their non-member cousin. Robin is 13 and grew up going to church with his grandma (Schwester Wegmann), but had never actually been baptized because he moved away. He remembers a lot from primary and said he'd try coming to church again with his cousin.

We finally got Frau 100's name! We had an awesome lesson with her in January, but somehow never got her number to get a return appointment. We had to rely on going by when we were in the area. We finally got her at home and got her number!

Geistige Gedanken (spiritual thought):
Short people got no
reason to live! ♫♬

Our STL's gave us a theme for this transfer. It comes from D&C 6:34,36:

"Therefore, fear not, little flock; do good; let earth and hell combine against you, for if ye are built upon my rock, they cannot prevail. Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not."

If we doubt the power of God and doubt the Savior, we will live in eternal fear. However, if we center our lives on Christ, on good works, and follow Him to the end. We will be led to eternal joy.

Zweifelt nicht, fürchtet euch nicht.(fear not, do not be afraid)

Liebe grüße!
Sister Luymes

Lovely little Ilvesheim chapel.

Traditional German style home in Ilvesheim.

Typical backyard garden

The official Käfertal Afrikanisches Frühlingsfest!
(coffee mug African spring festival --whatever that is)

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