Monday, January 16, 2017

Hello Menschenkindern!

Thank you for all your prayers! I very distinctly felt your love and support this week. It means so much to me. I can't express how much gratitude I have for such amazing friends and family.

We had a mind-blowing miracle this week. Seriously on Friday I had trouble falling asleep because I was just in awe.

Julia was a potential we found 5 weeks ago, she hadn't been responding to our texts or calls until out of the blue she texted us on Monday apologizing for not answering us. She told us right then that her parents didn't understand why she was so interested in our church and didn't really like the idea of her meeting with us. We made a 5-min appointment on Friday. Just enough to get our foot in the door. We ended up talking to her for over an hour!

She got to know the church through a YouTube channel of a Mormon family. She loved it so much that she started watching mission call openings. She became so curious that she started researching the church on the church websites. She finally met some members while she was traveling in America. She told us "they looked so happy and I kept asking myself 'what do they have that I don't that makes them so happy?'" We asked her if she'd ever seen missionaries before. She said she'd always seen elders and when she saw the sisters on the bus (Sister Weiler and Sister Krysanski) she thought it was so cool. She explained that she didn't plan on talking to them, but something made her talk to them. She said "it was like my mouth had a mind of its own and before I knew it I was talking to them!"

She toured the Freiburg temple and absolutely LOVED it. She has read part of the Book of Mormon from the local library until she had to stop when someone else checked it out. We taught her the restoration and she knew almost all of it pretty in depth. She had even watched part of last general conference and said Präsident Uchtdorf was her favorite.

She ended up taking out a sheet of paper with notes and questions (I kid you not) that she had been preparing for over a YEAR! After we answered her questions and gave her a Book of Mormon we asked if we could meet again soon. She said she lives in Mannheim only on the weekends and lives at her Uni on the weekdays. She also has a part time job on the weekend and could only meet with us when she didn't have work. However, the biggest problem is that her parents wouldn't support her if she got baptized. She said they're very closed minded and she's tried explaining our beliefs to them, but they don't listen.

Even if I don't get to see her baptism, I will be forever grateful to God for letting me and Sister López be the very first missionaries to teach her. It was a testament to me that Heavenly Father really prepares people to hear and accept his gospel. He has been working on Julia for about 6 years and she's just now starting to meet with the missionaries.

Think about the people you talk to and work with every day. Family, friends, coworkers, media. Who are you influencing? Are you influencing them to do good and be their best? You don't have to start a YouTube channel to do that. Saying kind words and supporting each other is a great way to start!

Love you all!

Sister Luymes

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