Monday, July 11, 2016

Hey so since I have an iPad I'm allowed to read emails and type up responses in advance and send them, but I didn't get my iPad set up in time to actually do that. 

During our street display there was a black guy that came around 4 or 5 times that kept yelling at us saying we were spreading hate. He then proceeded to yell at everyone who made eye contact with him saying "I'M A SOUTHERN BAPTIST AND I JUST WANT ERE'BODY TO KNOW I'M A BROTHA'!" I had to keep myself from laughing. He was obviously very drunk and had no shoes on and was wearing his shirt like a backpack. 

I've decided that I like the humidity. It rained for the first time since me being here today while we were hiking up to the castle and it felt so good. My district is hilarious. Out of the 8 of us only 2 have been in K-Town for more than a transfer and for 3 of us it's our first transfer here. It's an interesting dynamic with having to trade people off depending on if their associated with military or not and if they speak English or not. 

I've had the ice cream and chocolate and I've gained of testimony of it. The dönners are good and the bread we get from the bakery is super good too. So far so good!

Everyone calls Kaiserslautern the Promised Land so I'm excited to dig in!

Sister Luymes

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