Thursday, February 16, 2017

Gulcerin's baptism. Love this girl
Then on Sunday it was Gemeindekonferenz (Stake Conference) and there were double the amount of people at church than usual. We didn't have enough seats because so many people were there! Gülserin is pretty shy, but everyone congratulated her and she loved it! There were also some people from Kaiserslautern there and I got to catch up with them about how the ward is. But the coolest thing was someone that I had contacted during the week actually came to church!

Gulcerin and Family
Because of the changes in key indicators, we've really been focusing on finding/ inviting people who are willing to come to church. We were waiting for a Bahn(train) and had about 10 minutes before it came. I thought 10 minutes was plenty of time to find so I walked up to Kennedy and started talking to him. We ended up taking the same Bahn a couple stops. He was new to Germany and only spoke English. I tried my best to describe how to get to the church (which is incredibly complicated) to someone who didn't know any of the Bahns. But lo and behold 5 minutes before sacrament meeting Kennedy shows up! If you knew how complicated it His to get to the chapel you'd understand. It takes us at least 30 minutes to get there and we live in the Stadt!

We had Gemeinde essen (ward lunch) afterwards and so many people kept asking us who found Kennedy and how we got him here. They couldn't believe that he just came because we quickly explained how to get there and invited him. He really connected with our other new convert Kevin and they became buddies. Way cool!

The rest of the week has been a ton of finding. We did some service for a less active. I've taken apart like 4 IKEA shelves. We've also had some awesome member appointments. We were with the Lorz family, Oma Broo, today we will be with Vi, and Friday we'll be with Bischof.

Oma Broo
I found a new favorite quote this week. I was watching the restoration movie and in one scene Joseph Smith says "the worth of souls is great in the sight of God." If you look at the world we live in today, everything tells us otherwise. Our self-worth gets torn to shreds so easily because we compare ourselves relentlessly. But the truth is so much better! We have GREAT worth! Being kind to ourselves is just as important as being kind to others.

Ich habe euch lieb! Schöne Woche! (Love you, have a nice week)
- Sister Luymes

Some castle we went to -- I forget.

A cool sticker I found. Made me laugh.

Here live a hound and his subjects.

Cleaning the font for Gulcerin's bapsims. Spic und spanne!

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